Sunday, January 3, 2016

January 3, 2016

My goal for today is simple -- clean out fridge, get rid of expired stuff and take out the garbage.  I also plan to make a healthy meal.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

January 2, 2016

Wow.  I never know what day it is... now it is going to take me weeks to learn what year it is.  Ugh!

Now that the crazy holiday season is officially over.  It is time to get to work.  Yesterday I weighed in and wrote down my credit score numbers.  It is down with the weight and up with the score!

Yesterdays chore was:  I turned all my hangers (and my sons) hangers backward in the closet.  When we wear them and I will then turn the hangar the correct way.  In June/July... what ever hangars are not the correct way will be donated since we obviously do not wear them.

Today, since it is my day off I will be tackling a bigger challenge.  I will be cleaning out the food cabinets in my kitchen.  Throwing out expired stuff and taking stock of what I have.  Does not sound like fun.  But it will be done!!!!!!

Thursday, December 31, 2015

Before I begin

New Years Eve --  I can't believe it is almost 2016! 

I have my Pork and Kraut cooking in the crock pot.  I am working 16 hours tonight.  Yuck!  I picked up my daily planner and I am planning my new year.  There are so many things I want to do this year.

I guess my starting point for first thing tomorrow will be checking my stats and placing them in my book.   My beginning weight, my credit score, etc.  That way I will have a handy reference throughout my journey.  I would love to start tonight, but working 16 hours will definitely put a damper on that.

One of my big goals for this year was to get a dayshift job so that I could be with my family more.  Well, I secured dayshift, after 15 years of working 2nd and 3rd shift... but I have to train my replacement.  So the detail of when my days will start is out of my control.  I am hoping it will be soon because a lot of my plans involve me being home to work on them!  I guess I will have to work that detail out as I go.  Onward and upward!!!!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Pre - better me

What is a better time to make a resolution than the start of a new year? 

But why should I focus on 1 thing when there are so many in my life that could use an improvement?  I can think of many!  Weight, career, financial, organization and even just being a better person in general.  I decided that this year I am just going to focus on me!

If I can focus on 1 objective a day... no matter what it is... that is a step in the right direction.  How can I get bored if I can switch my path at a whim?  I will work on it one day at a time.  I can do this!

Since this is the pre-me...  I figured my goal is to purchase a good day planner.  That way I can track my progress and write myself notes that I can read later in the year and I can keep myself focused. 

Anyone want to join me in my journey?  Maybe we can even learn something together!